Call me Sid.
My name is Sidonie, but at college and uni I introduced myself as “Sid”, to stop any “Sydney’s” in their tracks. Besides, I like that it’s often a guys name – a taxi driver came to pick me up the other day and said “ah, you’re not what I was expecting…” Damn straight.
My Freshers Week I was super nervous, I had spent a year abroad in Paris and was out of touch with just about everything. After I’d met a few people in my flat I felt a little better, and together we began to figure out where we were and where to go out. If you like to drink and party it seems like University will fit you like a glove, but not everyone likes that kind of thing. Call me an old fart, but after five years here, you can forgive me. Take a look at for a whole variety of events and ways to meet people outside the bar.
Oh, and one more thing: you’re going to get homesick. Probably when you get the first bout of Freshers Flu (google it), and when you least expect it. So take care of each other, a cup of tea at the right time can make a real difference. I’m always around for a chat and a catch up.
You can keep in touch at [email protected] or on twitter @BertrandShelton, and you can call me Sid.