Friday, February 7Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986


Freshers’ week is one of the most exciting times at the university, as well as being daunting for new students. As you begin your university experience, you may struggle with the issues that come with your new transition, or you may already be aware of a mental condition before joining us. Either way, there is a great deal of support to aid student wellbeing on campus. Here are some advice and tips on how to take care of yourself throughout Freshers’ Week: 

  • Go out and meet people! Get to know your flatmates if you’re in halls, or attend some of the events on offer. Meeting people who are going through the same thing as you can make everything seem less overwhelming. 
  • Listen to your body. Don’t try to push yourself too hard. If you need to rest, then rest! Try to eat at least a few fruit and vegetables this week, as well as drinking water. Trust me, it will help with the hangover! 
  • If you’re feeling down or homesick, try to talk it out with someone. Whether this is a relative or a friend, sharing a problem can often make things seem easier. 
  • Keep in contact with your support system back at home. Whether this is family or friends, check in with them and let them know how you’re getting on.
  • Know that you might not be able to make best friends for life this week, but you will make friends eventually. Be patient for the right people for you! 
  • Register at the Health Centre in Founders East. Do it as soon as you possibly can, maybe with some of your new friends or acquaintances. 
  • If you choose to, register for free Counselling. You can register with them at Founders West 171, which will only take a few minutes. Call 01784 44312 or email [email protected]

Whether your issue is academic, social or financial, we will be able to help you. All of this information can be found on the Royal Holloway Website and on the Student Intranet. Below are the helpline numbers should you need them anytime during this week and the rest of your time at university.

Call the Nightline on 020 7631 0101 or email them at: [email protected] or visit their website if you would prefer to Skype them during 6 pm-8 am.
College Security 01784 443063
Health Centre 01784 443131
Samaritans on 116 123 or [email protected]