Friday, January 17Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986

Tag: Active

Staying Fit in February

Staying Fit in February

January is like a 31-day long hangover of the previous year. Everybody is on a comedown from Christmas but has made it their resolution that this year is the year to get fit. This means that, for this month at least, the gym is an overcrowded hangout of people forcing themselves to be motivated, fighting the masses to get their turn on the equipment. Fortunately for regulars, this soon fizzles out by mid-January when the cold sets in and the summer body is put on hold because summer seems a long, long, long way away. This shouldn’t be the case. Being healthy and fit doesn’t happen over-night and takes time and motivation. And I’m here to motivate you with my 5 fitness top tips! Firstly, think about why you started your fitness journey, whether it was to lose weight or become healthier...