My Advice to Freshers? Be a Snob.
A-Levels well and truly in the past, exam certificates already lining the bottom of your wardrobe, you’ve made it to one of the top universities in the country. Congratulations. You’re young, intelligent – the cream of the crop – and you can do anything, right? Well, so they tell you anyway. We’re bred on the American Dream (yes, even here in good old Blighty), which proclaims that you can achieve, you will succeed, and that it’s your right and privilege to do so. But the problem is, it isn't that easy; success – as a serial failure, I can attest to this fact – is not glamorous and takes a lot of effort (more even than those glossy film montages would have you believe, as inconceivable as that is) and yet few of us are held to the standard required to go on to great things by those around ...