Friday, February 7Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986

Tag: Fitness

Staying Fit in February

Staying Fit in February

January is like a 31-day long hangover of the previous year. Everybody is on a comedown from Christmas but has made it their resolution that this year is the year to get fit. This means that, for this month at least, the gym is an overcrowded hangout of people forcing themselves to be motivated, fighting the masses to get their turn on the equipment. Fortunately for regulars, this soon fizzles out by mid-January when the cold sets in and the summer body is put on hold because summer seems a long, long, long way away. This shouldn’t be the case. Being healthy and fit doesn’t happen over-night and takes time and motivation. And I’m here to motivate you with my 5 fitness top tips! Firstly, think about why you started your fitness journey, whether it was to lose weight or become healthier...
Running out of the junk food rut

Running out of the junk food rut

“Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t” – Elle Woods, Legally Blonde. Whilst I’m not contemplating shooting anyone anytime soon, not the least my non-existent husband, this Elle Woods life lesson is something which got me thinking a few months ago. Since beginning university life in September, I, like many others, ate too much, drank too much, and did very little else during fresher’s week. However, whilst other people headed to the gym in the second week of term I slowly crept into the habit of comfort eating and snacking, rather than making use of my kitchen (yes, some of us in Wedderburn can cook, and not all of us try to burn it down). Rapidly, without even really realising, I had got myself into the h...
5 ab work outs that avoid the gym

5 ab work outs that avoid the gym

Now we are into Spring, and the new years resolutions we made to go to the gym everyday and eat only organically sourced food are distant memories. So instead of accepting defeat, or worse still making the trek to the gym - here are some of the best ways to get a washboard core, without even leaving your room! By setting aside 10 minutes a day, everyday, you can be sure that your summer body will turn heads:   Mountain (Egham Hill) Climbers Start by placing yourself in a plank position, with your hands shoulder width apart and underneath your chest (make sure that your arms are straight too). You should feel like your body is a straight line between your ankles and your shoulders. Then bring your right knee to your chest so that it reaches the left elbow. Repeat this step wi...
So you don’t like the gym?

So you don’t like the gym?

Is getting in more exercise one of your resolutions for this year? Iren talks us through alternative ways to stay fit if you're not a fan of the gym. (more…)

Thigh gap or booty? The choice is yours.

Through the ages, women have had to choose a path at an inevitable life crossroad. In more classic times the choice would have been between Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe. At today’s crossroad she chooses between icons such as Keira Knightley and Adele. The question of what makes the body beautiful has shaped throughout history a careful sketch of opposing traits of feminitiy, personality and more worringly inner conflict. The path that she chooses defines how she views female beauty and will ultimately contribute to the creation of a standardised definition of beauty. Shakespeare was wrong to ask ‘to be or not to be’ but rather a more accurate (and useful) modern translation would be ‘to be thin or not to care’. I don’t think I’m making a ground breaking discovery when I say that body ...

Gym: The First Steps

Never been to the gym, but scared to go? or simply don't have the time? ...Well read on. Perhaps you just want to get into shape, do some cardio to lose that ab-shrouding gut, or maybe you want to start lifting weights; why not all three? As many know, attending your first gym session can be daunting, for a number of reasons. From experience, friends that I've converted from couch-potato to gym-attender, have expressed their worries, the most common being their first session. For example: "I'm scared people will be looking at me, what if I don't know how to use the equipment?" Tip 1: Research If you've never been to the gym, and want to start lifting, for instance; it won't hurt to research before you go. Looking at simple form videos (How to complete the movements) can put you...