Sunday, February 16Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986

Tag: Gender Neutral

Gender Neutral Toilets to be Trialled on Campus

Gender Neutral Toilets to be Trialled on Campus

Following their hugely successful LGBT+ history month in February, Royal Holloway’s LGBT+ Society have achieved another impressive goal in securing a pilot with the College which will see the creation of gender neutral toilets on campus. The College agreed last week to trial two sets of single stall toilets on campus to gender neutral toilets, these can be found on the fourth level of the Bourne Building and the ground floor of the International Building. The changes will then be reviewed in July, and providing there are no issues, all single stall toilets will then be changed to gender neutral toilets. The University has also agreed to discuss the creation of gender neutral toilets in the plans for the new library, and the new gym may also feature gender neutral changing cubicles an...