Thursday, December 12Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986

Tag: GutterTalk

Gutter Talk
Creative Writing

Gutter Talk

early mornings in plettenberg bay five am & the sun was not yet high  but it was warm still and bright  plett sun is a different breed rich was by my side back then & red flocks flew west when they heard  that laugh hingeless & hungered & hollering oorah those ears car  doors on a sedan in midsummer left open to cool him down I was in Kensington when he next  called midday my time midnight his I heard the tik screech through his jangled mind & lacerate his  words discordant until the  teakettle boiled into a goodbye  & the smack of bone on tile it was a sickening sound at night I dream of africa the waves smash against my mind & the moon is still not high  ...