Friday, February 7Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986

Tag: international

#WeAreInternational Campaign Across Campus

#WeAreInternational Campaign Across Campus

On Tuesday 28 February and Wednesday 1 March, Royal Holloway was celebrating the international diversity of the university, encouraging students on campus to share their favourite worldwide locations. Almost 100 students and staff across Royal Holloway shared their favourite locations on a map located in the Boiler house. Amongst the favourites were Martinique, Pakistan, Amsterdam, Arizona, Ukraine, Malawi, Australia and New Zealand. People put a sticky note on the map stating why their chosen location was their favourite, with reasons ranging from the good food in Hong Kong, the undiscovered nature of Vietnam, and the proximity to family in Barbados. The campaign spread across social media with the hashtag #weareinternational and you can still get involved sharing your images ...
The 2016 Student Media Summit

The 2016 Student Media Summit

This week saw the ninth annual Student Media Summit return to London. Hosted by the NUS and Amnesty International UK, the two-day Summit aims to educate and develop the skills of students involved in media and those wanting to pursue it in the future. Features editor, Yasmeen Frasso, talks about her experience. Walking down New Inn Yard on the morning of Thursday 18th August was a strange experience; the morning travels were filled with the excitement of actually being able to go to a place that, for the day, was not only a central hub for activism, but journalism as well. Two areas which journalist and keynote speaker, Laurie Penny, later explained to us are often largely intertwined. But, of course, anxiety also latched onto me. “Was I wearing the right clothes?” “Was I prepa...
Riding for Britain
Sports & Socs

Riding for Britain

Over the Easter weekend at the beginning of April, I went out to Leuven in Belgium as part of Great Britain's Student Riders Team. After winning the BUCS Nationals in 2014 and being asked to attend a trials day, I was selected to ride for GB. During Student Riders competitions, you only get five minutes to get on the horse you have drawn (having never seen it before) before having to ride a dressage test or jump a course of jumps. If you gain the best score on your horse, you qualify for the next round, with there being four dressage rounds and four jumping rounds. The first dressage round is ridden as a team with three riders competing in the arena at the same time. We did a good test but one of the other girls on my horse had previously won medals competing for Ireland, knocking me into...

NHS fees to be introduced for International Students

The government may begin to charge foreign students for use of the National Health Service, an investigation by Welsh student newspaper Gair Rhyyd has revealed. The findings suggest that the government is willing to implement a £150 surcharge to international students regardless of the impact they actually make upon the NHS, on entry to the UK. It is reported that the £150 charge would be added to international student’s visas, but would only apply to new students coming to the UK to study, not international students currently studying at UK universities. Allegedly a policy paper described the current system, which sees non-native students receive the same treatment as UK students as ‘very generous particularly when compared with international practice.’ It is thought that the new le...