Sunday, February 9Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986

Tag: Jeremy Corbyn

The Breath of Fresh Air with the Beard In Charge of Labour

The Breath of Fresh Air with the Beard In Charge of Labour

Why should we love Jeremy Corbyn? Why should this man, this beard and beige adorning, allotment attending man, be greeted with our adoration? To answer this, we should examine the political sphere currently in place. A growing resentment towards politicians resonates amongst nearly all of us, and why? Despite strong words, big gestures and emphatic lip service given by politicians, Britain suffers from a limp lack of alternatives. Many critics of Ed Miliband’s Labour party state that it was his lack of radical alternatives to the Conservatives that lost him the election. On issues such as Europe he remained as silent as the grave, a decision that lead to as much for his career. Regarding the housing issue he was vague, nondescript and insufficient. We regard our political scene with ...
A New Dawn has broken, has it not?

A New Dawn has broken, has it not?

Tony Blair spoke the words ‘A New Dawn has broken, has it not?’ May 2nd 1997 in the early hours of the morning represented a break from 18 years of opposition. Furthermore a break from Conservative rule which turned a social democratic country into a country of yuppies, privatisation and strikes. However most importantly this represented a new style and agenda for the Labour Party following the disunity of Bennites, moderates and the gang of the four and the formation of the Social Democratic Party in 1981. This may be ancient history in political terms as Harold Wilson once remarked that ‘a week is a long time in politics’ but once again a new dawn has broken in the Labour Party. This ‘new dawn’ is different in many respects to the ‘new dawn’ Blair promised as instead of a move towards t...