Friday, January 24Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986

Tag: men

Royal Holloway Men’s Football Charity Campaign
Sports & Socs

Royal Holloway Men’s Football Charity Campaign

On the pitch, Royal Holloway Men's Football team excel in supporting one another- however, this year they've extended this support to off the pitch, with their ongoing charity work in support of 'Mind' and 'Movember'. I spoke to Jack Colman, Vice President of the club, below is what he had to say about their fundraising mission:  Royal Holloway Men’s Football is a family. It comes with fun, incredible memories, and at times hardships and struggles. Our year-long fundraising and charity campaign focuses on men’s mental health, particularly targeting and supporting the well-known charity ‘Mind’. Our reasoning behind choosing mental health as our charitable campaign is that several of our members in their lifetime have either gone through, or are currently going through, stress or menta...
Silent Until Now
Culture & Literature, Film & TV

Silent Until Now

Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault Rape is despicable. That is a statement that can’t ever be disputed. In the wake of allegations against such high-profile people like Harvey Wienstein, Louis C.K and Kevin Spacey and the widely-popular #metoo campaign, there are more people than ever who are able to speak up about what has happened to them. Unfortunately, despite the progressive and welcoming atmosphere we find ourselves in, men who have been sexually assaulted continue to be silenced and are treated poorly by charities and police. With a new documentary from BBC Three, men are openly speaking up about their sexual assault experiences in order to help lift the stigma from such a prominent issue in society. The documentary is called Male Rape: Breaking the Silence, an homage to those th...


I’m walking through Waterloo Station and around me are posters and screens showing me the new summer fashion line and the blockbuster movies. With summer here, we are more than ever exposed to what the consumer market says we should look like, eat like, act like, be like. While the pressure on women is intense, the less focused and damaging stress is on men. With chiselled abs on store fronts and male heroes blowing things up and punching it out rather than talking it out on the silver screen and sport season reaching its peak, men are more than ever told that overcompensation is a key trait of their gender and this is dangerous, especially for our generation of young men. Defined as the ‘exaggeration of male stereotypical behavior, such as physical strength, aggression, and sexuality’, ...

Women More Likely to Enter University Than Men

The number of UK university entrants passed 500,000 for the first time in 2014, according to UCAS admissions service figures. While the gap between entry rates for rich and poor students has narrowed, the gender gap between women and men is the widest ever, with women a third more likely to enter higher education than men. The admissions figures show a rising trend of increased applications, with 512,400 applicants securing places in UK universities through UCAS in 2014, up nearly 17000. Universities Minister Greg Clark, speaking to BBC, said:"Higher education is a transformational experience and that is why we are the first government to remove the limit on student numbers, lifting the cap on aspiration." But within the overall rising numbers, the gap between male and female entrant...