Wednesday, October 16Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986

Tag: results day

You’ve got into Royal Holloway! Now what?

You’ve got into Royal Holloway! Now what?

Ah isn’t results day great? You laugh, you cry, you might even drink heavily. But after that initial shock has worn off, you might remember that you also applied to Royal Holloway - which, congratulations by the way, you’ve now got into! Whether you’re elated or disappointed, you’re stuck with us now, so you might as well enjoy the ride! But what does that ride entail? Is it a bumpy ride? Will there be snacks? Well it will be bumpy, as all university journeys are, and I can confirm that there are snacks if you know the best place to look (hint: go to as many fresher and departmental events as possible, they have all the best snacks). However, Royal Holloway is more than just free food and an intense love for the colour orange. It’s fun, confusing, probably stressful, and no doubt yo...