Relieved to be a Returner
Are you a returner, suddenly faced with the realisation that you most definitely are no longer a Fresher? Are you filled with horror at the fact that you are quickly growing up, and soon need to become a ‘proper’ adult? Do you find yourself repeatedly telling first years to ‘make the most of it’?
Trust me, I know how you feel. As a third year (scary!) I began this term feeling jealous, envious and even hateful towards the new students, who get the excitement of beginning university. “Why can’t that be me?!” I found myself crying (in my head, of course).
However, once I calmed down, I realised that life as a third year is pretty great! Here are a few reasons why we should be relieved to be returners.
I hope that I have saved money. I have let the first years enjoy the SU (which I k...