Saturday, February 8Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986

Tag: Youngers

The Revolution Could Be Televised
Culture & Literature, Film & TV

The Revolution Could Be Televised

Amongst the post-election lamentations of lachrymose leftists circulating on social media, I came across a rant masquerading as a blog post by a fellow student. Seizing upon the mass media, that mainstay of Marxist maxims, in this instance television, as a narcotizing agent of the numbskull populus, they decried the level of political discourse that shuffles through our screens as having led us into our current political morass. With the embers of the 2015 BAFTAs cooling, and Auntie’s charter renewal, or lack of, imminent, it feels timely to take a step back and briefly reflect on the state of political television. In the run-up to the general election BBC1 was graced with an adaptation of J. K. Rowling’s The Casual Vacancy. The show’s cast list read more like that of a glossy ITV Ag...