Friday, January 24Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986

Everybody Hates Kate

Oh, what a surprise! Britain’s most abominable blabber-mouth has enraged the public yet again with a contentious opinion that even your BNP supporting granny wouldn’t dare vociferate. Of course by the time this article is finished, Katie Hopkins will undoubtedly have vomited out some other revolting drivel which sends fingers wagging her way.

The latest isn’t an attack on ‘chubsters’ or ‘refugees spreading like norovirus’ as she ever so gently puts it, but an attack on us: students. According to the Big Brother contestant, British universities have reduced themselves to accepting ‘kids who struggle to work Velcro’ and study ‘Psychology’ – a degree, she says, for those ‘who can’t read or write but want to talk for a living’. As is expected, she goes on to defecate upon the self-esteems of the public who were unable to reach higher education: ‘If all these thickos got into uni, what are the rest like?’

Whilst this ignorant outburst of spite is as predictable as struggling to get served at the SU bar before you’re old enough to claim your pension, Hopkins’ simultaneous contempt towards the children of her target audience appears to be tactically disastrous.

But perhaps her mindless abuse isn’t so mindless after all? Perhaps Hopkins is a cunningly contrived character – a weapon of the political left.

By taking every day right-wing attitudes (i.e, too many unemployable students; too many ‘fatties’; too many immigrants) and morphing them into something regarded as universally repugnant, Hopkins succeeds in unifying the British public against everything she stands for. The phrase ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ appears to apply here, and Hopkins certainly seems to be the enemy with over 61,000 having signed a petition in favour of her extradition from the UK.

But surely, nobody could ever desire to be crowned Britain’s most hated woman for all the fame and money in the world? As far as anybody is aware, Hopkins has yet to be declared insane, so there can only be one conclusion.

Katie Hopkins is satire.

She may not have initially intended to be, but with the ever increasing divide between either sides of the political spectrum, this devious business woman has cashed in on the wave of resent towards Conservative dominance.

If this is the case, then Hopkins has pulled off one of the most ingenious political stunts of the 21st century. If not, she’s Satan in a blonde wig.