By Issy Trapnell Hoyle- Senior Sports Editor
Ahead of the first BUCS Showcase Wednesday of the season, we caught up with Women’s Rugby to learn a little more about their upcoming season, their club and what their sport means to them.
Welcoming all three media outlets to their Friday afternoon training, the club allowed us to follow their training session and observe their preparation prior to the start of the new season. Seeing the way the team was focused and working together, it is clear the club is getting ready to face the new season with a positive attitude and strong team.
At the end of their training, we had the privilege of interviewing multiple members of the club including President Millie and Treasurer Charlotte. Millie explained to us that she’s feeling positive about the season ahead, with new freshers and a new league to contend with, this season offers a fresh slate for the club.
We also spoke to both committee members about the empowering nature of the sport they play. Both strongly agreed rugby can be an incredibly empowering sport for the women who play it. Charlotte explained to us how it ‘helps her feel centred in her strength’ and ‘can help other women feel strong and powerful and come out of their shell’.
It was clear the great volume of love both had for the club, describing to us how Women’s Rugby at Holloway is ‘like a family’ in which they are ‘all there for each other’. They encourage sign up from new players who are ‘open to everything’ and keen to possibly try something new as rugby is a sport of many different aspects and skills.
With a home Women’s Rugby World Cup on the horizon in the following year and many PWR situated only a train ride from Holloway, it is clear it is an exciting time to get involved with the sport and perhaps even more so for the club who are also going to be the first to play in new Surridge Sport playing kit on the 3G this Wednesday.