14MayNo Comments
The Deafening Sound of Shattered Glass
A single crack would never sound
As loud as the others. Drowned
Out by the silent pain
Oblivious until it happens again.
Forced to face
The ever-growing pace
Of the incoming fractures
Caused by the human manufactures
Of the heart
Would one ever restart
The journey that started the shattering
Filled with constant flattering
Or possibly fuller of lies
Trying until one dies
Because of the lack of love
Like an unfilled glove
Waiting for the perfect hand
To fill it tightly. Planned
To be a perfect match
But a shattered heart has no match
Just a scratch
Left by those who dropped it
Outcast like some odd misfit
Left alone.
How could I have known
How painful a thousand shards

14MayNo Comments
Overlapping Pillows
Mines thinner and softer
Yours fuller and plusher
Overlapping on the sides
Making the perfect pillow mix
To rest our heads
As we hold each other
In the dark silence
Hot under the covers
Laying in each other’s jumpers
Unnecessarily warm but
So necessarily comforted
Our breath meets
On the perfect pillow blend
Twirling and dancing
With each other
Whilst we dream of one another
Fantasising about love
That we both so crave
Never wanting to let go
In case we can’t find each other
Left isolated in the midnight
Lost without the other
Forever seeking
For someone that was never there
How can pillows overlap
If it is just my pillow on the bed?
Photo by the blowup on ...

14MayNo Comments
Made out to be the villain for so long I’ve grown horns
I treat everyone fair
But they don’t care
About me
Only them
Only their heart
Not mine
Which grows
Day by day
Searching for another
To replace it
Its black vile
Like an infected
Coat of armour
Covering the red
The pink love
Which is rapidly turning
No light can
No light ever will
Closed off
It’s safer that way.
If no one wants
Then they must
Be faced with Hell
Met not with
But with darkness
A Hellhole
Of Silence
A chasm of
A forgotten city
Evacuated because
It was
Lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
The evil

14MayNo Comments
It’s great to be famous
It’s great to be famous,
Or so it seems.
“Hi how are you?”
“Aren’t you”
Yes, I am.
“Nice to meet you”
“Do you know”
Yes, I do.
“My name’s”
“Didn’t you and”
That we never did.
It never got to that point.
Photo by Fardad sepandar on Unsplash

14MayNo Comments
I let one go to catch another, but that one left too.
I’ve searched for too long
To find someone like you
But when I finally find you
You scamper away
I’ve only just put myself back
from that last
My heart,
in a thousand pieces.
And now,
A thousand and one.
And so the number grows.
When will it get smaller?
Please will someone put me back together?
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

14MayNo Comments
I just wanted to love You
To my friend,
Please don’t be angry with me.
I tried my best to love,
But I am still too broken to work
I wanted nothing more
Than to be all yours and yours only
To stand next to you
And for you to call me yours, but
I don’t belong to myself
And so how can I be yours?
I don’t want to leave
You hanging in the blue unknown
So I had to say goodbye
And try and fix myself with my
Broken tools. Maybe
You had the remedy that would
Fix me.
Don’t hate me,
I just wanted to love You.
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

14MayNo Comments
Hold me / An Ode to the Boy I loved
How perfect you were
For me to be yours
All accept your
Love for me.
For there was none.
None that I could see,
In your glistening brown eyes
Darker than the oak trees.
Your beautiful soft hair,
So boringly brown.
Yet, utterly perfect.
I may not be yours
But I certainly was
For that second that you
Made me feel special,
Made me feel wanted.
Photo by takwa abdo on Unsplash

14MayNo Comments
I tie the band and
Pick up the needle.
It’s cold metal digs deep
Into my flesh,
The icy poison seeps
Into my bones.
Filling me with false hope,
False love.
But I can’t take the band off
For you wrapped it too tight
Around my heart,
And left with the needle
Still digging into me.
The pain growing greater
Without you to take it out.
Love was never supposed
to hurt this much.
Photo by Mykenzie Johnson on Unsplash

14MayNo Comments
From my window
From my window I stand and stare at the garden over the fence. All the eye can see is a crisp layer of fresh grass. The gardener comes in every Tuesday to mow the lawn and take care of the flowers. A cluster of lilies standing proud. Orchids with their intoxicating scent, bound to put you in a frenzy. Roses tainted in blood or as white as the clouds above. Even the sun stares in awe, hiding behind the apple tree, scared its scorching heat will ruin their beauty. Each branch grows heavy with the ripe fruit. Not one is allowed to fall, or they would land in the crystal-clear water. An old man in overalls is hunched over the opulent pool to collect the stray leaves that did fall in. It’s not their fault. The wind last night was fierce, pulling them off branches and downing them in chlo...