Friday, February 7Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986

Maths Soc Plan to Come Out on Top

Royal Holloway’s Mathematics Society are hoping to reform next year as a more recognised society with the aim of recruiting more members than ever and to do their best to win society of the year at the Socs Ball 2016.

Jacob Arends, who has been elected as President of MathSoc and was previously the Social Secretary, stated that he is “very proud to have been given the opportunity to be in the drivers seat of a society which has been such a huge part of my university life” . Jacob comments that “By the end of next year, I would like MathSoc to hold the reputation it deserves throughout campus. I would love to see the society reach a stage where our committee and members are proud to be part of something which unifies them under the name of Mathematics. ”

MathSoc have many provisional plans to maintain and improve the social and volunteering sides of the society which are not yet set in stone. Last year the society succeeded in hosting activities such as; a pub crawl with computing society, with the infamous Fibonacci Shot Challenge in founders quad; bringing in Gareth Griffith (Hollywood SFX programmer and Race strategy programmer for Formula 1) and Marija Jegorova (Data Analyst doing a UCL Masters in Computer Learning) to discuss their journey post-RHUL and ‘Mathsterdam’ – the society’s first international trip.

Maths Soc hopes to erase the image of them being a minority society with no social side. They clearly have many exciting plans in store for next year and it would be worth joining if only to enjoy a huge, well organised pub crawl and go to Amsterdam at a discounted price.