The Guilty Monster under our Bathroom Rug
Why do we avoid mirrors? Why do we throw away the pair of jeans that doesn’t feel right anymore? Why do we delete an uncomfortable chat with a friend? The answer is staring us straight back in the face, on the other side of the mirror. Self-denial! When we ‘sweep under the rug’ all our problems, but to be fair I’m pretty sure that’s what rugs are there for in the first place, at least I’ve convinced my-self that its for that reason that the Brits use carpets even in the bathrooms as a way to hide the dust and dirt that is unbearable to face. But, perhaps ignorance is bliss?
Let’s be honest, your behaviour, even your attitute changes with a simple glimpse of reality. Lets say you notice a pimple in the mirror. Right there, staring at you from your reflection. You immediately become self ...