Sunday, February 16Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986

Tag: Environment

RHUL Donate and Reuse

RHUL Donate and Reuse

Donate and Reuse is one of many volunteering programmes offered at Royal Holloway. The project is currently in need of new volunteers to help run the programme and promote the reuse and recycling of clothing. Taking part is a great way to meet new people whilst also gaining experience as an individual.  What is the Donate and Reuse volunteering project about? This is a campus project associated with the British Heart Foundation. It encourages students to donate their unwanted clothing, therefore promoting the reuse and recycling of these items.  What kind of tasks are volunteers given?  Through working as a volunteer, students would be promoting end of term collections, helping with the coordination of these collections, and distributing them to the Egham branch of the British...
Talking Trash

Talking Trash

Plastic is still a relatively new material, but it has transformed all aspects of our lives, and the world today would look very different without it. But 60 years later, 6.3 billion tonnes of plastic waste has been produced, and 79% of that is in landfill or in the natural environment. The impact of this is immense; plastic waste produces huge amounts of greenhouse gases, and can be fatal for marine life when it ends up in the ocean. The real issue lies with single-use plastic in the form of plastic bottles, food packaging, and the like, which despite being used only once, take 450 years to decompose. Reducing our use of these items could make a tangible difference, and we’ve all heard the stats, so what stops us from making more eco-friendly choices? Not buying single-use plastic a...
Will Britain remain Green?

Will Britain remain Green?

EU environmental laws are maintained at an impeccably high standard, and with over 80% of Britons in favour of these levels of protection, it is alarming that the repercussions of Brexit jeopardize the guarantee that Britain will maintain these standards. The surfacing of these fears was evident in Theresa May’s speech last month, whereby, she announced her ambitious 25 year plan to reduce the waste of plastic: ‘Brexit will not mean a lowering of environmental standards’. […] ‘We will use the opportunity Brexit provides to strengthen and enhance our environmental protections – not to weaken them’. Alongside this, environmental campaigners have voiced their concerns that propositions such as this demand legislation, which echoes the sentiment of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who wants to ...
Will you Go Green in 2016?

Will you Go Green in 2016?

The week January 25th- 29th is Go Green Week and as a University we will be highlighting and putting a spotlight on the environment. Environmental issues such as climate change and energy consumption are more pressing than ever as the international Climate change talks or COP21 have shown with global commitment by over 200 countries to not let global temperature rise beyond 3 degrees have shown. This can be further seen by President Barrack Obama who said during the talks ‘We are the first generation to feel the effect of climate change and the last generation who can do something about it.’ As a university it may seem redundant to try to reduce amount how much students contribute to man-made Climate change as international agreements such as COP21 seem to be the real ways to achieve subs...
Boris Bikes Destined for Holloway?

Boris Bikes Destined for Holloway?

Royal Holloway’s Sustainability Society is undertaking an extremely exciting project, in a bid to bring the NextBikes Scheme to life. The scheme, were it to be implemented, would provide bike hire similar to that of London Boris Bikes. The German based company offering the simple technology, has already had successful schemes in the Universities of Warwick, Stirling and Strathclyde. The bikes are extremely user friendly, and can be hired using college cards, NextBikes cards or an app on your mobile phone. In addition to this, you can use the same card to take out bikes in countries around Europe that use the NextBikes Scheme. The bike racks are designed specifically for NextBikes and so limited spaces will not be an issue. Maintenance is also offered by a local company, and the bikes come...
Sports & Socs

A Review of Formula E

Beijing, Saturday 13th September. At the site of the former Olympic park thousands of fans gathered for the inaugural Formula E Grand Prix. It’s the most recent addition to motorsport and everyone was waiting in anticipation. Even Leonardo DiCaprio was getting in on the act – he’s co-founder of one of the teams. So what is Formula E? Put simply, electric motor racing with zero emission cars. Ten teams have two drivers, who in turn have two cars each. For the first Formula E season every team has the same car meaning that everyone is equal on a car-performance level. There are currently 9 races on the calendar, with the final being held in London in June 2015. The one-day event is action packed, meaning fans don’t have to travel to and from the circuits over three days as they would at o...