Saturday, February 8Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986

Tag: halloween

Halloween Costumes: Sexually Objectifying or Empowering to Women
News, Opinion

Halloween Costumes: Sexually Objectifying or Empowering to Women

After Fresher’s week, a highly anticipated time for first years starting off at university, Halloween marks the second most awaited celebration. Royal Holloway had organised a chain of events, from pumpkin carving to horror movie nights, but the majority look forward to all the Halloween parties. Like every year, students scattered the campus in elaborate or last-minute costumes and as usual there were an overwhelming number of girls stereotypically dressed. The sexy police officer, sexy schoolgirl, sexy nurse – you get the idea. So, the unavoidable question stands. Are girls peer pressured into choosing these costumes, in the hopes of fitting in, or is it empowering to know you can be anything you want for a night?  For students and young people in general, Halloween celebrations...
The Dos and Don’ts of Halloween Costumes in 2021

The Dos and Don’ts of Halloween Costumes in 2021

Ah, Halloween; a strange time of year. For some, it’s a day of celebrating old traditions, a way to honour the dead and make them immortal through our memories. For others, it’s a time where you can get discounted chocolates and binge horror movies. Regardless of how you celebrate the end of October, one thing is certain: whether they are meticulously planned or thrown together at the last minute, there will be copious numbers of chaotic costumes. However, if you don’t know where to start, here are some Dos and Don’ts to help you get your act together. DO: be sensitive to other cultures. Although we have made great strides in bringing attention to insensitive costumes, unfortunately, common Halloween attire still includes ‘Mexican’ ‘Native American’ & ‘Tribal’ outfits. These ...
Do you know the true origins of Halloween?

Do you know the true origins of Halloween?

Halloween takes place on October 31st each year and is a time associated with trick-or-treating, ghosts, and scary costumes. This celebration has become a huge part of culture, but how many people know its true origins? The traditions we celebrate today have their roots in both Christian and Pagan festivals. Halloween rests on the eve of All Saints Day or All Hallows Day, a time many church practises used to celebrate the saints. The eve of this day became known as All Hallows Eve and which eventually merged to become Halloween. Traditionally, worshippers would go to church on All Hallows Eve to pray and fast before a day of feasting and celebration. All Souls Day, a day set on November 2nd to honour the dead, is also part of Christian tradition. The horror films, zombies, ghosts, ...
Autumnal Activities

Autumnal Activities

Feeling in the Halloween spirit? Take a trip down to Crockford Bridge pick your own (PYO) farm and visit their famous annual pumpkin patch. Just a 20 minute drive from egham or 30 mins on the train. You and your friends can pick your own unique pumpkins and carve them together in time for Halloween. The rustic landscapes you will travel through on the train and by car are also beautiful as the leaves change and gain their autumnal colours. The Windsor Festival: Living in Egham means you are just a short distance from the town of Windsor. Not only is this an opportunity to see Windsor Castle (which is apparently the Queen’s favourite of her homes!) but a chance to go to the Windsor festival. There are some amazing and fun activities for you to get into the autumnal spirit! Ev...
Halloween, What it’s really about?

Halloween, What it’s really about?

Autumn is a time that many people enjoy: the beautiful autumnal views, the return of jumper weather, bonfire night and of course, Halloween. Halloween is usually a time for people to dress up in horrendous outfits (some terrifying, others not so much) and provides an excuse to have parties. However, as much fun as dressing up is, what is Halloween actually about? Halloween falls between Autumn and Winter, the time between life and death, the time when the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest. Halloween is thought to have originated from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. To commemorate such an event, the Druids would build sacred bonfires. People would gather to make sacrifices to the Celtic Deities, burning crops and animals. The Celts wore costumes, which mostly consis...
Anti-Halloween Film Picks
Culture & Literature, Film & TV

Anti-Halloween Film Picks

The Orbital's Arts journalists give you their favourite films to watch to combat the spooky season of Halloween and the cold wintry nights to come! Beth Carr - Love Actually You can't not smile while watching a load of people fall in and out of love and connect their lives in unexpected ways. The music is sublime and the storyline is extremely clever, brought to life by a stunning cast of cinematic favourites. Plus, Halloween means it's basically almost Christmas, right? Isabella Mansell - Mamma Mia Who doesn't love an Abba singalong? The feel-good plot of love and comic wit leaves everyone with a smile on their face and a toe-tapping experience! Why not escape the British cold and drizzle through the Grecian Summer and nothing could be further away from the t...

Whose Life Will You Wear?

Watch What You Wear This Halloween. It’s coming up to that time of year again, where we have an excuse to get dressed up in a range of costumes, go out, and have a great time. House parties will be thrown and alcohol will be drunk. And let’s hope that this year, no one will be offended by what you choose to wear. Cultural appropriation gets talked about more and more each year. It’s the practice of taking parts of other people’s culture, usually less privileged groups, and exploiting them. For example, the headdress has become a popular adornment to wear at festivals this year with few people understanding its significance in Native American society. The headdress is a piece of attire that men earnt throughout their life, that is restricted to people who have the honour of having ach...