Sunday, February 16Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986

Tag: valentines day

Conversations on Love with writer Chloé Williams
Culture & Literature, Literature

Conversations on Love with writer Chloé Williams

By Olivia Taylor Natasha Lunn’s book Conversations on Love first appeared on my radar a couple of months ago via an Instagram story of book recommendations on New York-based writer Chloé Williams’ account (IG: @chloeinletters). With the rise of ‘BookTok’ and various other social media platforms allowing us to connect with other readers, reviews and recommendations have a newfound significance, especially when they come from respected writers like Williams. Conversations on Love joins Lunn’s own intimate essays with confessional interviews that give readers a beautiful insight into the heart. There is much to be said about relationships, regardless of whether they fall under the form of romantic, familial, or platonic, and Lunn teaches us that everything we feel is in some way universal...
Three Girls. Two Bottles of Wine. One Candid Conversation.

Three Girls. Two Bottles of Wine. One Candid Conversation.

                        Ever wondered what three drunk girls have to say about sex, love and relationships? No, us neither. But we did it anyway for your amusement.  Presenting: The Orbital Guide to Looser Sex and February Frolicking. On one night stands: E - I enjoy a good one night stand but nothing beats familiar sex. T - I have never had one but with my dry spell I will take a one stop shop anytime. B - I’ve only ever had one and I ended up kicking him out because it was boring. On sex with parents around: E - For the love of god lock the door. T - Minimal movement positions are key here, think lazy morning sex. B - Just don’t do it. On sex in a single bed: ...