Friday, February 7Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986

Top Tips for Fresher’s in a tweet

The new academic year is upon us and ROHO is preparing to open its doors again, which can only mean one thing – fresher’s season and more importantly Fresher’s week is upon us.

Having asked students from across campus and academic years for their top tips for freshers in a tweet (no more or no less than those precious 140 characters), Orbital has collected some of the most learned, and valuable pieces of wisdom shared, or in other words the best advice on how not to blow your overdraft in the first week for example.

We’ve rounded up some of the best for your reading.

Joanne Archer – @joaaane
Get involved in at least one sport/soc. Try something completely new and out of your comfort zone. It’s a great way to meet new people too!

Elizabeth Carr – @escarr15
Get out of your comfort zone, do things alone because that’s might just be how you make your best friends! But make sure you be yourself too

Paco Tijdink 
Do everything you think you can’t be bothered to do.

Alice Reynolds
Make sure you smile and say hi to everyone! Buy a door stop too!

Holly Pyne – @hpyneapple
Go to everything. Freshers’ week is the time to be sociable and experience new things. You’ll regret it otherwise

Cameron Seymour
Stop and take it all in. Enjoy first year, it’ll be the easiest year you’ll have!

Emma Halahan – @EmmaHalahan
Take advantage of all the support services on campus, they’re there for a reason!

Louise Jones – @LouiseJones96
Enjoy your week and make sure you make the most out every opportunity that comes your way! Get stuck in to uni life and you’ll soon settle in.

Hopefully you will take some comfort in knowing that regardless of what happens during your time as a fresher, it most certainly has happened before and you are not alone in the questionable decisions you may or may not make. That’s the whole point and fun of being a fresher; enjoy!