Friday, February 7Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986

Christian Union plans annual Events Week for February

After a term, or more, at Royal Holloway it is very likely that you will have come across the Christian Union, and if you haven’t then you are sure to bump into them during their events week coming up in February.

Voted Best Dressed at Come in Your Socs, the CU are more commonly found in the smoking area every Friday night, armed with doughnuts, water and a friendly face to help you when the SU gets a little bit much, or you just fancy a chat. Meeting every Thursday at 7:30 in MX034, everyone is welcome, whether you are a Christian, of a different faith or have no faith at all – and there are always plenty of free snacks!

The CU’s purpose is to reach out to the university community and provide an opportunity for everyone on campus to hear about Christianity and the gospel and ask questions. These big questions are exactly what they hope to answer during events week. With the help of speakers Martin Povey and James Bunyan, a series of lunch time and evening talks will explore themes of suffering, salvation, science, identity and knowing God. They are open to everyone and the lunch bars are set to include hot drinks and cake to keep you going through the day.

Monday February 8th also sees the return of the Mark Drama, a drama depicting the life of Jesus as described by Mark’s gospel and starring CU members, some of whom have little dramatic experience. Performed in the round, it is set to be a unique, memorable and entertaining event.

Even if none of the events above appeal, you are still welcome to come down to the celebration ceilidh on Friday 12th. The venue is to be confirmed but after the success of the recent Acoustic Night organised by CU members, it is set to be a fun and energising evening where you can dance the night away to some wonderful celtic style music – and do not worry, no-one is expecting expert dancers!

Further details are available on the Royal Holloway Christian Union Facebook page but look out for slightly cold people in purple T-shirts from 8th-12th February and come along to some events for a relaxed introduction to the Christian faith – and why the CU are so keen to hand out water during SU nights!

Beth Carr
Photo credit: Royal Holloway Christian Union (via Facebook, used with permission)