Friday, February 7Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986

Tag: CU

The Christian Union present the Mark Drama
Sports & Socs

The Christian Union present the Mark Drama

"It's about 80% shouting and 20% crying" was one reaction to the Mark Drama, a 90 minute exploration of the gospel of Mark by the Christian Union. Perhaps this is an exaggeration, but this comment expresses how immersive the experience is. The show is in-the-round, with three aisles and action going on all around the audience, as well as in the centre of the circle. You are truly part of the performance and it's hard not to join in at points. The cast interact with you and address you, as if you were truly there. And so it is that you experience what the book of Mark has to say. Being run by the Christian Union it is about Jesus, but not aggressively so. Not every character believes what he has to say, and even those that do show their doubts and changes in opinion. The acting is ...
Christian Union plans annual Events Week for February
Sports & Socs

Christian Union plans annual Events Week for February

After a term, or more, at Royal Holloway it is very likely that you will have come across the Christian Union, and if you haven’t then you are sure to bump into them during their events week coming up in February. Voted Best Dressed at Come in Your Socs, the CU are more commonly found in the smoking area every Friday night, armed with doughnuts, water and a friendly face to help you when the SU gets a little bit much, or you just fancy a chat. Meeting every Thursday at 7:30 in MX034, everyone is welcome, whether you are a Christian, of a different faith or have no faith at all – and there are always plenty of free snacks! The CU’s purpose is to reach out to the university community and provide an opportunity for everyone on campus to hear about Christianity and the gospel and ask que...
Sports & Socs


Royal Holloway Christian Union are the unsung heroes of campus. When you’re stumbling out of the SU on a Friday night, looking a little bit worse for wear, they’re the saviours only too pleased to offer you some water and donut to help you safely home. And whilst you labour on through yet another one of those late night library session during exam time, the CU are there every Tuesday with their stall to coax you from your Bedford-induced coma with treats to get you through revision. Whether you had realised it or not, the CU always have your back here at Royal Holloway. And finally, all their hard work is being recognised with a RHUL Laurel Award nomination. Made up of around a 100 members the CU meets every Thursday.  It’s a community where you can relax, have a break and most importan...