Friday, February 7Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986

The Store – Temporary rellocation

In the wake of the new library being built, the convenient campus store will be temporarily moving. But fear not, our favourite college pit stop is not gone forever.

‘The Store’ as the on campus shop is aptly named, will be relocated near the Hub whilst the new library is being built in the area opposite the Founders main reception. It will presumably be relocated as soon as the library has finished construction.

At present Principle Paul Layzell has only confirmed that this will just be a temporary change and has not stated whether or not the store will remain in its usual place once building has finished.

The contents of the temporary store will be fairly compressed in comparison with the current level of stock – meaning even less choice of highly priced, low quality quick and easy meals for students.

However, because of the stock compression for the temporary store you may actually be able to find some bargains in the form of unwanted stock from the store. I.E things might actually be substantially priced for a change. Every cloud.