Sunday, February 16Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986

Tag: February

Staying Fit in February

Staying Fit in February

January is like a 31-day long hangover of the previous year. Everybody is on a comedown from Christmas but has made it their resolution that this year is the year to get fit. This means that, for this month at least, the gym is an overcrowded hangout of people forcing themselves to be motivated, fighting the masses to get their turn on the equipment. Fortunately for regulars, this soon fizzles out by mid-January when the cold sets in and the summer body is put on hold because summer seems a long, long, long way away. This shouldn’t be the case. Being healthy and fit doesn’t happen over-night and takes time and motivation. And I’m here to motivate you with my 5 fitness top tips! Firstly, think about why you started your fitness journey, whether it was to lose weight or become healthier...
Three Girls. Two Bottles of Wine. One Candid Conversation.

Three Girls. Two Bottles of Wine. One Candid Conversation.

                        Ever wondered what three drunk girls have to say about sex, love and relationships? No, us neither. But we did it anyway for your amusement.  Presenting: The Orbital Guide to Looser Sex and February Frolicking. On one night stands: E - I enjoy a good one night stand but nothing beats familiar sex. T - I have never had one but with my dry spell I will take a one stop shop anytime. B - I’ve only ever had one and I ended up kicking him out because it was boring. On sex with parents around: E - For the love of god lock the door. T - Minimal movement positions are key here, think lazy morning sex. B - Just don’t do it. On sex in a single bed: ...
Cinnamon Swirl Pancake Recipe

Cinnamon Swirl Pancake Recipe

It’s February! It’s Pancake Day! Forget Valentine’s Day, Pancake Day the most important day in February. Instead of boring old crepes this year, why not try something a little different? Cinnamon Swirl Pancake Recipe Pancake batter If you’re in a rush then you really can’t go wrong with Pancake packet mix, follow the instructions and you’re good to go! Nevertheless, here is the how to make the pancake mix: • 120g all-purpose flour • 2 teaspoons baking powder • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 240ml milk • 1 Tablespoon vegetable oil • 1 large egg, lightly beaten This mix can be used to make normal pancakes as well as Cinnamon ones. For Cinnamon swirl pancakes, you will need to make a couple of extra things: Cinnamon Filling • 100g butter (melted) • 135g packed light brown sug...