Sunday, February 9Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986

Tag: feminism

The feminist behind the flash
Culture & Literature, Visual Arts

The feminist behind the flash

Feminism as an ideology has snaked throughout all elements of the media, all the more prominently in the last couple of years. I use the word ideology, as Feminism unfortunately does not yet hold a quintessential place within modern societal norms. Photography as one of these media outlets, and one very close to my heart, has become an instrument through which the Romanticised image of woman can finally portray festivities of feminism as well as femininity. Francesca Woodman was a striking photographer who has always remained on my radar- a beautiful woman whose inner turmoil and intelligence sent her to her demise, yet during her shortened career, she was able to portray with conviction, the concept of hiding herself in plain sight. Her monochromatic self-portraits utilised rustic yet fam...

Let’s Reconsider Consent

The 'I Heart Consent' campaign was a good idea but it was run in a way that I can only describe as dreadful. It was a campaign directed at the male community, yet for the most part it failed to engage men; it was a campaign interested in excluding men, or at least that’s the impression given. This campaign should have separated itself from the nasty face of feminism, which would have resulted in less time preaching that women are fundamentally different to men (which of course is false) and it would have turned attention to the real cause - consent! Men are placed in uncomfortable positions more often than is apparent and it would only be false to claim that only men go out ‘on the pull’; I for one have witnessed many girls with the intention to ‘pull’. This is of course a two way stree...

The Bechdel Test

What is it? The Bechdel test was first introduced in Allison Bechdel’s comic "Dykes to Watch Out For", in a 1985 strip called “The Rule”. In order for a film to pass the Bechdel test it has to meet the following requirements: 1. It has to have at least two women in it 2. Who talk to each other 3. About something besides a man There have been variations to the criteria of the test, for example the female characters have to be named. Think about a movie that you watched recently, or any movie at all. Does it have at least two female characters? Do they have a conversation about something besides a man? Can you try and name more than 3 films that pass the Bechdel test? I actually found it kind of difficult. And that’s where the problem lies. The problem isn’t just about the lack ...


The English language has many a foul word. Most are four letters. Many we now accept in day-to-day conversation without so much as a flinch. But utter ‘feminism’ in a conversation and it is likely one of two things will happen: a) conversation will continue albeit with some odd looks in your direction, or b) there will be silence. Utter silence. Please exit, stage right. So what is it about the word ‘feminism’? Even people who support gender equality often shy away from the F word. Automatically, the first thing that leaps to my mind when someone says ‘feminism’ is an incredibly butch lesbian with a buzz cut angrily shouting at police. In the 80s. This isn’t to say that I dislike or judge lesbians, angry people, people with short hair, or even people who were alive in the 80s! But if I,...

The Backlash Against Feminism

There is no doubt that 2014 has been a great year for feminism (please note, before I fully begin, that I believe feminism entails equal rights for all genders). With the popularity of the HeForShe and the “This is What a Feminist Looks Like” movements feminism has gained a whole host of new supporters. However, with any movement for equality throughout all of history there seems to be a backlash. Feminism has always experienced groups of people who disagree with it, who fail to understand it or who just think gender equality is down-right ridiculous. I may have been more willing to understand such point of views if I was born fifty, seventy or a hundred years ago. But in the modern age where everything seems to be developing and advancing positively, why is it that gender issues remain...

The New Faces of Feminism

The 19th century saw the creation of the Seven Sisters colleges in the Unites States that provided higher education for women, Emmeline Pankhurst led the way for female suffrage in the early 20th century, Patti Smith rocked the 70s in her boyfriend jeans and leather jacket, the 80s were all about Madonna’s ‘Like a Virgin’, girl power exploded into every home from London to Los Angeles as the Spice Girls enjoyed unrivalled fame in the 90s and the 2010’s are all about the rise of intelligent, funny and proactive women. The Times columnist and author Catlin Moran, screenwriter Lena Dunham and Rookie Mag founder Tavi Gevinson’s have all topped worldwide bestseller lists with their recent feminist literary releases. 'The Mindy Project', '30 Rock' and 'Parks and Recreation' (all written and c...
An Introduction to Femsoc
Sports & Socs

An Introduction to Femsoc

Interested in feminism? Or simply finding out more about what exactly that means? The definition of feminism is ‘advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality’; we aim to work towards equality of the genders. As one of the first UK universities to accept women, Royal Holloway has a rich feminist history which we try to keep alive through our society. We meet weekly for friendly discussion with likeminded people, usually followed by a social. In the second week of term we will be holding an open session to give a feeling for the society before you pay membership, so don’t believe the ‘man-hating’ stereotype, come and meet us for yourself! We invite in a variety of speakers and hold charity and campaign events as well as a great mixture of soc...