Sunday, February 9Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986

“It’s those at the top who will pull you up”

So we come to uni with a plan, to find a plan, or perhaps to drink our lives away on VKs for three years?

Ben Coomber came to RoHo to give a speech about our dreams and ambitions. The ethic of Coomber’s talk was to set yourself manageable goals. For “if they aren’t laughing at your dream, your dream isn’t big enough.” It is safe to say that we are all at a self-conscious stage of our lives, but on the cusp of turning that around and opening ourselves up to vulnerability. Whilst at high school and sixth form we were victims of social media and the ‘haters,’ afraid to say what we really wanted to achieve in life and who we wanted to be in case that did not fit the accepted stereotype that was prescribed to us.


Coomber, a performance nutritionist, educator, speaker and writer has said that he “inspire[s] people, like you, to take charge of their and nutrition, and empower you with information to make that change. I truly believe it’s the most powerful journey we go in our lives.” He encouraged the students at Royal Holloway to open themselves up to vulnerability, and learn like a defenceless baby does to crawl into the real world and from this stand then run etc. To chase our goals by learning the steps and then ascertaining those steps through time and perseverance, never forgetting that end goal. It is important to remember that in life a degree is not everything and when out there in the real world experiences, activities and motivation count for a lot and it is that which gives you the edge and shapes that final end.


In light of Roho’s sports and lifestyle ‘Give it a Go’ week, this talk could not have come at a better time to inspire and motivate the student body. Coomber emphasises the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle whilst also making time for social life, fun, hustle, creativity, stress, work objectives and sleep. Combine each aspect and plan your day you will surely make time to get the most out of your University life and take those first or middling steps towards what you want. During ‘Give it a Go’ week students should take advantage of the different societies and sports tasters that are available. Also to look into what a healthy lifestyle for the individual looks like and take the support available at Royal Holloway to managing that healthy attitude at University. The support is there and all we have to do is take it.


Coomber shared his own experiences of how he set up his own business, bought a house, nice car and created the lifestyle that he wanted. It wasn’t all easy going, sacrifices had to be made but now on the other side he has the option to take control of his life and make the most of the passions that he enjoys. Simple things such as a dream board, time line and daily planner are small but effective steps that keep your ambitions in mind and set the small steps needed to get there. However, it is more than just decorating your bedroom wall, you need to be realistic and work backwards from the dream; think about every aspect and why you do what you must do to get there. Everything needs to have a purpose and that purpose is ultimately selfish. Which is fine! We waste so much time doing what is expected of us or people pleasing that we forget to nurture or run out of time to nurture our own pleasures and desires. I advise you all to sit down and write out what you want and from there plan your time at University to utilise it and be selfish, for this is the best three years that you’ll never get back and they can make so much of a difference. We take for granted the opportunities that we are given here and put them off until one day you are handed a degree and that is it.


Follow Ben Coomber on Twitter or Facebook. Check out his Itunes podcasts or just browse the website, to really get the feel for making the most out your life and life’s ambitions.