In a joint venture with Insanity Radio, we have interviewed Presidential candidate Jack O’Neill – presidential candidate Rubuiya Y. Zannat declined to be interviewed – and created a podcast with questions that delve deeper into their individual manifesto points. Our ongoing Sabbatical Officer coverage and involvement with the elections has been exceptional this year, with the media outlets chairing Candidate Question Time, and we will continue with this by interviewing all winning candidates on elections night so keep an eye out for our coverage. Here are our brief summaries of each candidate and their manifestos:
Jack O’Neill
Jack O’Neill has been VP Education this year and is aiming to follow in predecessor Clem Jones’ footsteps by running for the role of President this year. He has vowed to keep the SU student-focused, including postgraduate students who are often ‘left-behind’, as well as making sure that they have a voice and can hold the SU and the college accountable. We questioned him in particular on a manifesto point that focuses on the development of employability for students, which includes improving the careers service and replacing the Passport Award with something that is fit for purpose – he goes into further detail as to what that might be. Jack is also campaigning for a refurbishment of Medicine Room 2, previously named Stumble Inn, in order to maintain a high-level of student satisfaction in our venues.
Rubuiya Y. Zannat
In lieu of an interview with Rubuiya Y. Zannat, who declined to be interviewed, we’ve decided to provide a link to her manifesto to ensure due diligence and maintain impartiality: manifesto.