How would you describe your society to anyone wanting to join?
We are a friendly society, who promote a warm and supportive atmosphere. We just chill, hang out and are connected through our mutual appreciation for Potter.
What are your highlights from last year?
The main highlight from last year was several of our members appearing on Children in Need, due to our fundraising for Lumos. The studio tour trip was also incredible- we broke the SU page and tickets sold out in 12 minutes.
What level of fan do you need to be to join Harry Potter society – do you think casual fans would enjoy the society just as much as hardcore Potterheads?
100%! One of our aims for this year is to make the society as inclusive as possible. All of our content is related to Harry Potter, but there is absolutely no requirement to be any sort of superfan.
Harry Potter is a unique piece of art which has branched into so many different places from fan fiction, to podcasts, and even musicals. Does your society stay close to the canon or branch of to unofficial media?
This year, we’re planning to branch out more than ever. This includes showings of ‘A Very Potter Musical’ and its sequels, and some more events we’re still working on. We think that the cultural impact that surrounds Potter is just as important as the canon, and who doesn’t enjoy Darren Criss as Harry Potter?
Your society has a Yule Ball and the Triwizard tournament, can you explain what that is for any muggles reading?
The Yule Ball is a formal ball at Christmas time, where people can dress up in fancy clothes and have a bit of a party. The Triwizard tournament is three rounds of competitions, after which the winner gets a prize (the runner-up is not murdered, sorry Cedric).
Why do you think having a society based on pop culture is important at university?
Pop culture societies are things you choose to be interested in, creating an environment where you can freely express your interest in a form of media.
What’s the biggest thing members gain from joining?
The Harry Potter society is one big family. The community spirit that it has allows for an environment that you can meet people with similar interests and discuss differing opinions. One of its key values is friendship.
And finally what are your plans for this upcoming year and what are you looking forward to?
We have a lot of exciting things going on, such as another Yule Ball, a midnight trip to the Crimes of Grindlewald, more socials, and the annual studio tour trip! We’re looking forward to raising more money for Lumos and trying to make the society the best that it can be. There are lots of exciting things happening so keep an eye on our Facebook page for all the details!