Friday, February 7Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986

Tag: winter

Seasonal Depression: more than ‘down in the dumps’
Lifestyle, News

Seasonal Depression: more than ‘down in the dumps’

With November drawing to a close, any remnants of warm afternoons or bright mornings have disappeared. December often marks a time of festivities, curling up around fireplaces or sharing blankets with friends. However, it can also become a time when mental health plummets and you feel at your lowest.  If your mental health rapidly fluctuates in line with seasons, there could be a medical condition behind it. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), also known as seasonal depression, is a mental health condition that 1 in 15 people may have, according to the NHS.  The most common type, “winter depression”, is where people become more affected by symptoms of depression during winter, with symptoms lessening in the warmer months. This is caused by a lack of sunlight, which can lowe...
6 Cosy Books to Curl Up with this Winter
Culture & Literature, Literature

6 Cosy Books to Curl Up with this Winter

Sure, the Christmas break normally brings with it a whole host of terrifying deadlines, but as the weather gets colder and the nights draw in, might we all be tempted escape the uni work and curl up with a steaming mug of tea (or, more realistically, a quadruple-espresso) and a damn good book? Here are six to get you started:  Burial Rites by Hannah Kent  Set against the stark backdrop of 19th century Iceland, Burial Rites is definitely a novel fit for winter. The book tells the story of Agnes Magnusdottir, the last person to be sentenced to death in Iceland. Tried and condemned for murder, Agnes is held in the house of a local family to await her execution, but as the months drag on and Agnes grows closer to the family, the truth about what really happened starts to be re...
Anti-Halloween Film Picks
Culture & Literature, Film & TV

Anti-Halloween Film Picks

The Orbital's Arts journalists give you their favourite films to watch to combat the spooky season of Halloween and the cold wintry nights to come! Beth Carr - Love Actually You can't not smile while watching a load of people fall in and out of love and connect their lives in unexpected ways. The music is sublime and the storyline is extremely clever, brought to life by a stunning cast of cinematic favourites. Plus, Halloween means it's basically almost Christmas, right? Isabella Mansell - Mamma Mia Who doesn't love an Abba singalong? The feel-good plot of love and comic wit leaves everyone with a smile on their face and a toe-tapping experience! Why not escape the British cold and drizzle through the Grecian Summer and nothing could be further away from the t...
Your Autumn/Winter Back to University Guide to Looking Great

Your Autumn/Winter Back to University Guide to Looking Great

A Fresh and Dewy Update to Your Makeup Routine. Plus Must-Have Autumn/Winter Fashion Wardrobe Staples! While the post-summer blues may have started to kick you there is a bright side to the start of term. The Autumn term is a fantastic opportunity to give your beauty routine a much needed overhaul and to totally revamp your wardrobe - just in time for those chilly autumn and winter months!Frosty mornings and early starts may still be a little bit of a shock, leaving you feeling grumpy and tired, however you can still fight the signs of lacklustre, dull skin by making a few simple adjustments to your makeup regime! Fresh, glowing skin and a wide-awake eye look are all you need to look healthy and awake for the start of a new term! Get the look here (and go get ‘em!) Autumn/Winter B...

Stress Busting: A Winters Walk Around Virginia Waters Lake

As 2015 hits and the number of deadlines and workload increases, it’s vital to get away from it all. Leaving yourself stranded on a seemingly lonesome, and stressful, island is the last thing you want to be doing at this time of year. It is scientifically proven that fresh air helps to revitalise your mind, helping it to achieve maximum efficiency for working and studying. So I decided to try this out with a little walk around Virginia Waters Lake, which is just one stop away from Egham strain station. The occasional patter from a jogger or a dog walker is all that can be heard at first; the silence of the place somewhat deafening. The sun sets over a horizon of trees, and the odd photography enthusiast or regular Instagram addict can be seen trying to get artsy reflections in the lake....
What we love about winter: Student Edition!

What we love about winter: Student Edition!

When it comes to winter, most students picture cold mornings, the dark walk home after a 4pm class, the dreaded radiator breakdown, and the inability to leave the house without 5 layers on- especially a struggle when you’re already late for lectures. However, there are some who love the winter. Mostly because the winter means December, and December means almost Christmas, and almost Christmas means no Uni work, and no Uni work means filling your days with lie-in’s, mince pies and blankets. What’s not to love? Well we've rounded up 5 things about winter which even the self-confessed summer lovers can’t help but love this time of year… 1. The excuse to buy that new coat you wanted. So it may be £79 and completely impractical for rain, but what’s £79 when you can not only look great, but al...