Wednesday, September 11Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986

What Can the Royal Opera House Do For You?


Situated in Covent Garden, the current Royal Opera House is the third building to stand in the area after the two previous theatres burned down in a fire. The second re-opening kicked off with the royal seal of approval and a new name ‘the Royal Italian Opera House’. After hosting composers such as Handel and Michael Costa, the Royal Opera House was growing in both audience and repertoire. It was renamed once again to what we know now as ‘the Royal Opera House’ after it sadly burned down for the second time. However this has not affected its popularity as it now covers over two acres – from main stage to rehearsal studio…

But over the years  words such as ‘Elitist’, ‘snobby’ and ‘highbrow’ have been used to describe ballet, opera and other art forms on display at the Royal Opera House. However nothing could be further from the truth as Ballet is no longer for the upper-class and opera is breaking out of its gilded cage! The Royal Opera House is passionate about making the arts more accessible to all ages and backgrounds – particularly students. Why? Because we are the optimistic, social, vocal generation who love trying new things.

“But how can students afford tickets to the opera?” I hear you ask. Easily! Y’know why? Because the Royal Opera House offer over 10,000 student tickets for ballet and opera with a price range of £1-£25. And if you don’t fancy a trip to London, get yourself to the cinema and see a selection of live screenings from The Nutcracker to Carmen. If you’re a spontaneous London adventurer and love going out on a whim then students also benefit from £10 tickets that are up for grabs 24hrs before the performance. You’ll receive an email and you can book online! No need to delve into that overdraft (as if you haven’t already!). Not only this but students are the only individuals who are able to access tickets at face value (usually £4-£9) for every single main stage performance!

“Can I watch a performance if I know nothing about ballet or opera?” Absolutely! Music, dance, fashion and art belong to everyone – they are ours to debate, like or dislike. It’s all about trying new things and broadening our horizons when we are given the opportunity. Especially when you can get discounted drinks at the bar as well!  It keeps getting better as next season there’s an all new version of Swan Lake (student booking opens 3rd of April 2018), so grab your housemates and share in a truly historic moment that could cost you less than a night out.

The arts have been viewed for decades as a pastime for the upper-class and its time that misconception came to an end. The Royal Opera House is breaking the mould and branching out to its most social and diverse audience. So in honour of the world’s most open minded generation, the Royal Opera House has dedicated an entire performance to students. No middle-class mums from South-Kensington or billionaires in Bentleys – just students.

To take advantage of the above and so much more, all you have to do is register for free at and become an ROH Student. It’s that easy!

Register ROH now and open up the gateway to a whole new experience…


Let’s bring The House down.