Friday, February 7Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986

Tag: Freshers

A Talk With Men’s Football
Sports & Socs

A Talk With Men’s Football

Men's Football is one of the largest clubs on campus and one of the biggest sports in the world. With the World Cup just finishing and England doing so well, I spoke to Royal Holloway's President of Men's Football, Remy Henry, to see what he had to say about the sport that is so close to all of our hearts. As someone who has played on the 1st team for two years, what aspired you to want to take it to the next level and run for President? My passion for Football is one of the main reasons why I decided to run for President. This ties into wanting to run for Men's Football to ensure that all of the members can benefit from being a part of the club, as well as ensuring that Men's Football is a club that is welcoming to everyone. You joined the 1st team as a fresher and will finish yo...
Interview: Labour Society President, Maliha Reza
Sports & Socs

Interview: Labour Society President, Maliha Reza

To start, could you sum up the aims that are at the heart of your society? As a political society, our main aim is to unite socialist voices across Royal Holloway to inspire positive change, both on campus and beyond. It’s important for there to be student representatives of the Labour Party on campus as it is students who can go on to inspire many policies and changes.   Is there anything your society is planning for the coming year that you are particularly excited about? On campus, we are planning to run guest speaker events featuring MPs to Political Journalists, these are always exciting and insightful. For off-campus trips, we are planning to attend events at the Houses of Parliament and panelled discussions held there- it’s a good way to feel more involved with the party and a g...
Review: Love Island The Musical
Culture & Literature, Theatre & Performance

Review: Love Island The Musical

Love Island: The Musical transports us to a sunny island resort in the unlikely venue of Jane Holloway Hall. Incredibly innovative production skills use a projector, a voting app and a star performance by Director Connor Wood as the hot tub, to produce a lot of laughs and a substantial suspension of disbelief. The performances mimics the style of the hit reality TV show that swept the nation last summer, Love Island, which sees couples deserted on an island to find love and win some hefty cash prizes. It is clear that the production team from the beginning have thought long and hard about how to squeeze what they can from an incredibly low budget production. There are pre recorded ‘ad breaks’ that left the audience in hysterics and the infamous Love Island texts show up on the projecto...
5 Things to do Before you Graduate

5 Things to do Before you Graduate

Whether you’re a fresh-faced first year or a weary postgraduate, graduation seems a long way off. However, soon enough, the end of your university career comes around and you wonder where it’s all gone. Here are a few things you MUST do before you disappear into adult life: 1. Walk around the whole of Virginia Water Lake. Within half an hour of campus is Virginia Water Lake, part of Windsor Great Park. Living so close to a great spot of natural beauty, it would be awful to miss out on seeing the whole of the lake - it is 4.5 miles to do the circuit and there’s also a coffee shop where you can reward yourself with a well-earned snack. 2. Try out a society and a sports club. Royal Holloway has over 100 sports and societies, some of which are quite unique. You might hate sports but you ...
What We Know; Arson attempt in Founder’s Building

What We Know; Arson attempt in Founder’s Building

UPDATE 15:11 PM 2nd December - Royal Holloway's student intranet has posted an official statement stating that the college are currently working with Surrey Police and the Surrey Fire Investigation Service to investigate last nights fire. They thanked the Security team, Surreys Fire and Rescue Services and Surrey Police and students and staff for co-operating. They state one bedroom, as well as toilets and bathrooms have been damaged, but that there is no damage to Founder's Building itself. The statement went on to speak about access to services within Founders; "Our Support & Advisory Services team, including the Disability & Dyslexia team, Counselling team, Chaplaincy and other services, are providing services from the Windsor Building. Founder's Post Room is current...
Pack it in… or don’t

Pack it in… or don’t

A not-so definitive list of University essentials Freshers might just forget and items that should definitely be left at home. The most stressful part of first year, aside from the lab reports and endless essays, is the packing phase. Somehow you must fit all of your worldly belongings into your mum’s Ford Fiesta, packaged in a precarious mix of suitcases, Ikea shopping bags and cardboard boxes. Without going into elaborate details of pots, pans and shampoo, allow us to debunk the myths of what students should and shouldn’t be bringing to halls. 1. Bring a doorstop. You have probably heard this top tip about a billion times in the past few months but it could not be more true. A lot of doors in halls are fire doors and will slam shut unless met with the resistance of a door stop. You...
The Power of the Olympic Games 2016

The Power of the Olympic Games 2016

In honour of the Olympic's opening in Rio this evening, it’s come to my attention that I may just be one of a minority that is truly excited about the Olympics games hitting our screens. Let’s be honest, 2016 has been a year of turbulent and testing times, in other words it’s been a load of rubbish. To be quite frank, the Olympic games 2016 has been rather over shadowed by the years other events: Brexit, Trump, America in general, the refugee crisis, "the war on terror." The list just goes on and on. I’m not saying that it’s wrong that such important issues have been such focus, but I think it’s rather sad that perhaps one of the main things the Olympic does for every country around the globe, has been buried underneath the other news bulletins. The Olympics is a sporting event for every...
Freshers Week: UK v. USA

Freshers Week: UK v. USA

Third year student Abbie Jones speaks about her first few weeks on her study abroad year in California. I headed into UCLA with no expectations whatsoever. I believed that the movies about college in America must be wildly exaggerated. I didn’t expect a Project X or Bad Neighbours scenario when I arrived. But Fresher’s week or ‘Zero Week’ as UCLA students call it has differed fairly radically from my Fresher’s experience at Holloway. Roommates: It is the oddest thing to arrive home to someone snooping around my personal belongings but it happens and there is no forgetting it happened. Having a roommate is the norm in the USA and so far it hasn’t been as bad as expected. Although I do pray for those in triple occupancy. Luckily my roommate does not snore or scream in her sleep but I d...
10 things to know about being a RHUL Fresher

10 things to know about being a RHUL Fresher

Welcome Fresher's! Fresher's Week can be a bit of a minefield, so I've asked some second years for any sage advice they have on it. With this inspiring wisdom, I have compiled a handy checklist of tips about RoHo to help you navigate these tricky waters: 1. 'Ruby Wines' in Englefield Green is your new favourite shop - make sure to stock up on cheap drink BEFORE realising at 9pm on the first night that you have none. 2. Don't be too shy to go to society socials straight away, take the plunge! 3. Buy the SU Fresher's Week wristband! It may be insanely expensive, but nobody wants to watch their friends queue jump while at the back of an unending line. FOMO aside, you won't have to worry about booking tickets for events online. Plus, there's literally nowhere else to go in Egham on...