Sunday, February 16Royal Holloway's offical student publication, est. 1986

Tag: Summer

Securing An Internship

Securing An Internship

The end of term two is fast approaching, and many of us will be searching for those summer internships. Here are a few top tips to help you along the way: • Check you are well-suited for the internships you apply for and carefully consider whether you meet their requirements. • Use LinkedIn the professional social media network to build your résumé; it is much more professional than Facebook. On the Facebook note, ensure all of your social media accounts represent you in a positive way, maybe don’t post pictures of any bad nights out at the SU! • Customize your résumé for each internship you apply for, ensuring you create a new cover letter for each application. • Honesty is definitely the best policy. Don’t hyperbolise information, be accurate, it could come back to bite you in the … ...
A Practical Guide to Interrail

A Practical Guide to Interrail

An article recently published by another media outlet, which I won't name, attracted considerable attention when it stated that a trip Interrailing wasn’t complete unless you had something stolen from you. Whilst the article might have had some useful information, don’t believe the headline for a moment. (more…)
Run, Ride and Rest

Run, Ride and Rest

Right so summer is coming up quickly, and all you want to do is hang out with your mates, those from home you haven’t seen in months, recent acquaintances and not forgetting the array of individuals you hope to meet, correct? However, loitering around the local park with a bottle of Strongbow has rather lost its appeal and you cannot afford the extravagant cost of festival season especially if you hope to go travelling. So here are some ideas, on the cheap side, so you don’t resolve to sitting indoors on the X-Box all day. 1. Paint-Balling! Awesome, isn’t it? You get to shoot your best mate with neon pink paint, whilst testing your survival and camouflage skills. It’s a great way to get everyone back together, outside competing is speed, agility and cunning. Located all over the UK, and...

Beer & Cricket: An English Summer

Summer is upon us. Exams are finished, the weather is warm, and Crosslands is now full of the same wild eyed, frankly distressed looking people you saw in the library last month now shamelessly ordering several jugs of Pimm’s to themselves. But for the English, more specifically Englishmen such as myself of the bumbling, inelegant variety, summer can frankly be a bit of a nuisance. How is one meant to enjoy oneself when ‘getting out of the cold’ is no longer a valid excuse to hide in the dingy corner of a pub and methodically try all the guest ales, when al fresco drinking means escaping irritating or awkward company on the pretext of a smoke break is no longer possible, and it’s ten degrees too hot to wear even a light jacket? What I’m saying is, how do you enjoy summer when you basica...
Who said you need to go on holiday to have fun?

Who said you need to go on holiday to have fun?

We’ve all had that moment when we realise that everyone will be having the time of their life in Barcelona, Saint-Tropez or even Los Angeles for the summer and we won’t be. Sometimes money is tight. Sometimes money is as tight as our jeans are as we’ve spent way too much on Domino’s. However, not going on holiday isn’t the end of the world. Being at a university so close to London means that we can enjoy various fun events and experiences there instead. Here are a few things to do in London at a very reasonable (or sometimes non-existent) price. Enjoy free activities at the beautiful Canary Wharf During this summer there will be: Fashion weekend (29th - 31st May); dance performances (29th June - 4th July); outdoor Ping pong (7th –16th August); screens showing sport events in the park...
The Promise Of Summer

The Promise Of Summer

‘Shall I compare thee to a summers day?’ How could I possibly when you are the personification of summer and more. You evoke such an intense cocktail of cascading emotion; the feeling of being free and wild and calm and stupid and wise and reckless all at once. With each step you take the sun's rays burn a little stronger, as the corners of your mouth lift, even just slightly, the birds sing a little louder. And the blossoms on the trees dance with the breeze that carries your laughter. I smile at you and I hold my tongue; all I can do is listen.  You paint a picture with your words of a world not seen before, finding light and beauty in every crevice of this life. The rose lenses you slip before your eyes seem attached permanently, not the intrusion of drugs, alcohol or fear can remov...
Summer like it’s the Seventies

Summer like it’s the Seventies

So they say that history repeats itself, and when it comes to the archives of the fashion world, the same applies. The massive 90s trend has apparently come and gone, and now all the high-street fashion retailers such as Zara, Topshop and New Look appear to be overrun with copious amounts of suede, denim and those ever-so-boho neutral earthy tones. So yes, flared jeans (like the ones you used to prance around in when you were five…) loose, draping tops, fringing, crochet and platform sandals are back. Hold on to your overpriced floppy hats from Topshop, it’s the seventies again! But never fear ladies! I know you’d prefer to embrace this craze with caution in order to avoid looking like you’re channelling your inner Scooby-Doo cast. It’s all about that boho-chic, bringing back those clas...
Culture & Literature, Film & TV, Theatre & Performance

Summer Arts in London

These were some of our top tips for things to do and see around London over the summer! Did you attend one of these, or know someone who did? We'd love to hear how they went, so please contribute an article to either Vincent or Lukas, the Arts Editors, and tell us about your experience! We'd love to know if our tip-offs were useful! The Drowned Man: A Hollywood Fable     With award winning production company Punchdrunk, the NT brings you the epitome of immersive theatre experiences. Lose yourself, literally, in four floors of a transformed London postal warehouse in this production that shows you the underside of 1960s Los Angeles. Running until 6th July, this production gives you the complete freedom to explore some of theatres most exciting work. Running until July 6th From £25. Stude...

A Pitcher of Pimms & A Perfect Picnic

Summer may be on the way out, but there's still hopefully time to enjoy one of the homemade picnics you had been craving all the way through exam season! Here’s my recipe for easy mini quiches, and some instructions for concocting Pimm’s to get you on your way. Mini Quiches What you need: 320g ready rolled shortcrust pastry 4 eggs 25ml milk 150g grated cheese 100g spinach Handful of cooked bacon (optional) 2tbsp chopped basil Flour Olive oil Salt and Pepper 6 cup muffin tray 1. Preheat the oven to 180C. Use a pastry brush or piece of greaseproof paper to spread a little oil around the cups of the muffin tin, and set aside. 2. Scatter some flour on a cutting board or a kitchen work surface and place your unpacked roll of pastry on top. Cut out six circles of pastry ...

The Reformed Student?

The summer. A time of being exam free, where lying down all day in the sun and drinking a cider at 11am seems perfectly acceptable and where short-shorts make their repeated dreaded appearance. Either way, it is meant to be our time to relax. Well, that’s wrong… and I shall explain why. Having recently taken up a two week internship slot to work with Poet in the City, a charitable organisation that seek to bring new audiences to poetry events across London, I’ve suddenly seen the light in terms of using my spare time to get whatever experience I can for the future. Gone are my days of staying in bed until beyond midday, I am rid of the times when wearing my pyjamas all day was a reasonable response to rainy weather. I am now an early-bird riser on their laptop throughout the day look...